Utica Bread Brioche is easily our most versatile dough. Brioche is a rich, yeasted dough and once well chilled it can be shaped to take many forms and used in applications from sweet to savory. Butter and egg content can vary, as low as 25% and ranging up to 50% in our finest products. Produces a relatively light and airy crumb with a deep, golden brown crust. Generally egg washed to give a lovely finishing shine.
Presumed to have conceptually originated in Normandy, France and considered to be one of the finest dough’s, due to high level of enrichments (egg and butter) it has been held in high regard dating back to the times of the Aristocracy in France.

Wheat Flour, Whole Egg, Water, Sugar, Butter, Milk, Yeast, Salt
Braided Pan Loaf, Hamburger Roll
Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Quiche Crust, Sticky Bun, Pain au Raisin
A Simple usage for brioche
It is the ultimate in decadence when slathered with good butter and apricot preserves. And no bread will measure up to Brioche for making a grilled cheese sandwich to pair with tomato soup!
More ideas for brioche
The high level of butter and egg makes this a great bread for stuffing, or better yet for bread pudding! It makes a great hamburger bun as well, providing just enough weight to stand up to a juicy burger, but not so dense as to overpower.
It’s a great bread to use for “toad in a hole”, French toast, strata or other breakfast delicacies.
Ours is easily good enough to eat by itself. Tear off a piece, and then another. Enjoy the caramelized crust and the light crumb while you ponder tearing off another chunk.